Why all the hype about crystals?
Crystals are not cure-alls, they can help you in the same way as an icon of your inner-self. They can work in the same way meditation does.The best way to pick the crystals that are right for you is to look at them, touch them, one or more will call to you, for whatever reason-that is the crystal you currently need. They will not cure diseases, bring back a loss or enable you to communicate with spirits, etc. They will enable you to focus on your problems, enable YOU to think clearly on a solution. By focusing on your chosen crystal(s), pain will lessen, problems ease. The energy is within you, the crystal is a tool to focus it. If you are choosing a crystal for its beauty then a picture works, if you want the energy of a crystal then you need to handle them until one picks you. Your crystal could be a special stone found on a beach when you were a child, cost does not matter, that special rock from the beach appeared to you for a reason, use it as a reminder of your goals!